Why play crown green bowls?

Meet new friends

Bowling Clubs are all about getting together with other like-minded people and participating in a fun sport. Because of the very diverse age group that now plays lawn bowls, you’ll make good new friends, both young and old.

Be Healthy! It is so important.

Lawn bowls helps to improve your coordination and self-esteem, as it’s mentally stimulating as much as physically.

It will help improve your fitness levels, joint mobility and the more you play the more flexible you will become.


Lawn Bowls Is Not Just for the Elderly

Years ago there was a stigma attached to lawn bowls. Younger people assumed you only took up the sport when you were too old to play anything else! Those days are gone. In today’s world even teenagers are having a go and everyone in between.

Lawn bowls is a relaxed and technical sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, so

If You’re Competitive You Can Join Tournaments

Not everyone who participates in lawn bowls wants to get competitive and serious about it, but if that’s your mind set, then there are plenty of competitions and tournaments to get involved in. At our Club we compete in many local leagues and also run own competitions throughout the year.

Learn New Skills but most importantly have fun

While lawn bowls isn’t as physical as say tennis it is still a very skilled and technical one. You may think it looks easy, but when you actually play the game, it’s much harder than it appears.

So, if you think you won’t be challenged enough when you take up this sport, think again. You’ll learn some great new skills when you play and you’ll have a lot of fun in the process.

Interested in Joining

The club welcomes new and experienced players. And joining is easy. Simply email us at bowlingenquiries@gmail.com  and we will be in touch.

Complete the form here.

Ripponden Bowling Club Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge HX6 4DB